
Rejoice, O Virgin-CD


Collection of hymns to the Mother of God which express her role in our salvation and the Church’s love for her.

Conductor(s): Anne Schoepp and Alice Hughes
Number of Tracks: 29
Performed by: Choir of Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church


This is a collection of hymns to the Mother of God which express her role in our salvation and the Church’s love for her. The music is drawn from various traditions and includes several Byzantine arrangements.

Sheet Music for Rejoice, O Virgin

Song NameComposer/ChantTimeSample Audio
1. Georgian Wedding HymnGeorgian Chant2:50
2. The Joy of Heav’nJohn G. Auton1:10
3. By Your Holy BirthByzantine Tone 4, Anne Schoepp0:35
4. Today Is the PreludeByzantine Tone 4, Anne Schoepp0:34
5. Angels MarveledGreek Melody1:29
6. The Lord Has Chosen ZionByzantine Tone 50:34
7. Awed by the BeautyByzantine Tone 3, Anne Schoepp2:24
8. Gabriel Came and Stood Before YouKievan, Special Melody2:29
9. MagnificatByzantine Tone 43:05
10. Rejoice, O Virgin TheotokosByzantine Tone 61:56
11. O My Soul Magnify HerByzantine Tone 11:05
12. We Faithful All MagnifyByzantine Tone 5:32
13. Mary the DawnGregorian Tone 41:34
14. Virginity Is Alien to MothersKievan, Canon Tone 80:26
15. It Is Truly RightRusso-Greek Tone 40:59
16. O Pure VirginByzantine Tone 32:33
17. All Creation RejoicesRusso-Greek Tone 81:07
18. Beneath Your CompassionKievan Caves Monastery Chant1:18
19. You Have Magnified the TheotokosKievan, Canon Tone 20:42
20. You Are a Mystical ParadiseGreek Melody1:05
21. Do Not lament MeLesser Znamenny Tone 61:27
22. The Angel CriedM. Balakirev1:34
23. What Shall I RenderJohn Erickson:58
24. All Generation Born on EarthByzantine Tone 1:01
25. O ApostlesZnamenny Tone 3:40
26. O Most Glorious WonderSpecial Melody, Tone 12:09
27. Pure Virgin LadyByzantine Tone 35:02
28. To You, Our QueenGreek Tone 81:18
29. Rejoice, O VirginSergei Rachmaninov2:51

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Weight 1 oz


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