
Selections from the Divine Liturgy – downloadable audio


Features hymns and prayers from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.

SKU: SSPP-001-dl
Conductor(s): Anne Schoepp and Alice Hughes
Number of Tracks: 20
Performed by: Choir of Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church


This recording features hymns and prayers from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. The music is drawn from several traditions and includes several selections by contemporary American composers.

Sheet Music for Selections from the Divine Liturgy

Song NameComposer/ChantTimeSample Audio
1. Great LitanyAnne Schoepp4:00
2. First Antiphon (Psalm 103)Greek Chant2:20
3. Second Antiphon (Psalm 146)Greek Chant2:08
4. Only Begotten SonAlice Hughes1:17
5. Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12)P. Mironositsky2:21
6. Come Let Us WorshipD. Razumovsky0:31
7. Troparion of the Resurrection (Tone 2)Bulgarian Chant0:51
8. Troparion to Ss. Peter & Paul (Tone 4)Carpatho-Russian/arr. Anne Schoepp0:25
9. TrisagionDavid Wey4:27
10. Cherubic HymnDimitri Bortniansky3:42
11. The CreedAkathist Melody2:41
12. AnaphoraAnne Schoepp2:08
13. It is Truly Right (Joy of Heavenly Host)adpt. Alice Hughes1:13
14. Lord’s PrayerN. Rimsky-Korsakov1:20
15. Praise the Lord (Psalm 148)N. Rimsky-Korsakov3:15
16. Blessed is HeSerbian Chant0:51
17. Receive the BodyN. Kedrov, Sr.2:01
18. We have seen the True Light / Let our mouths be filledN. Kedrov, Sr.1:24
19. Blessed be the NameJohn David Finley0:26
20. O Lord our Lord (Psalm 8)P. Mironositsky2:13

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Weight 1 oz


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