
Life-Giving Wood-downloadable audio


The Elevation of the Cross, celebrated on September 14th, commemorates the fourth-century discovery of the miracle-working Cross of Christ by Saint Helen.

SKU: SSIX-005-dl
Conductor(s): Alice Hughes and Anne Schoepp
Number of Tracks: 28
Performed by: St. Lawrence Orthodox Chorale


The Elevation of the Cross, celebrated on September 14th, commemorates the fourth-century discovery of the miracle-working Cross of Christ by Saint Helen, the mother of the Emperor Constantine. It also commemorates the recovery of the Cross from the Persians by the emperor Heraclius in the seventh century. At that time, it was “elevated” in the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem, which Saint Helen had built in its honor. To this day, bishops and priests in the Orthodox Church raise up the Cross on the feast day as the faithful continually chant “Lord have mercy” (Track 19). The Cross is raised as our symbol of victory over death, strength and healing for the faithful, and our reminder that we find eternal life through self-denial in this life.

This disc includes all the variable hymnography for the feast, and features many special melodies from various chant traditions, as well as some newer compositions. Settings range from Byzantine melody with ison and unison Znamenny chants to rich choral harmony. Many pieces are sung by various smaller ensembles within the St Lawrence Orthodox Chorale, a fifteen-voice group of select singers from St. Lawrence Orthodox Christian Church in Felton, CA.

“Life Giving Wood” Sheet Music

Song NameComposer/ ChantTimeSample Audio
1. The Cross is Raised on HighSpecial Melody5:11
2. The Tree of True LifeBulgarian Tone 1, Alice Hughes2:42
3. Hail, O Life-bearing CrossSpecial Melody4:51
4. God is the Lord - O Lord Save Your PeopleRusso-Greek Tone 13:03
5. We Bow LowChant of New Skete2:33
5. No Sooner waas the WoodKievan Tone 6:50
7. We Magnify You, O ChristRussian Common Chant1:31
8. In times PastSpecial Melody1:49
9. All the Ends of the EarthZnamenny Tone 4:57
10. O Cross of ChristKievan Tone 61:34
11. Canon Odes 1 & 3Kievan Tone 84:42
12. In Paradise of OldSpecial Melody1:47
13. Canon Odes 4, 5, 6Kievan Tone 81:15
14. Lifted Up of Your Own Will & Paul, Who Was Caught UpByzantine Tone 4, Anne Schoepp1:58
15. Canon Odes 7, 8, 9Kievan Tone 82:20
16. The Cross is the GuardianPutevoi Chant, Johann von Gardner1:49
17. Today, the Cross is ExaltedSpecial Melody, Anne Schoepp1:09
18. O Most Strange WonderPattern Melody4:29
19. Lord have mercyGregory Lvovsky2:03
20. Before Your CrossCommon Chant1:50
21. Come Ye FaithfulSpecial Melody, Meholick2:43
22. 1st Antiphon for the CrossZnamenny Chant1:42
23. 2nd Antiphon for the CrossZnamenny Chant1:39
24. O Lord, Save Your PeopleByzantine Tone 1, Anne Schoepp1:47
25. Before Your CrossByzantine Tone 1, Meena1:58
26. You are a Mystical ParadiseGreek, Karam1:10
27. The Light of Your CountenanceAnne Schoepp2:35
28. God is Our KingVladimir Morosan1:32

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Weight 1 oz


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